We are available by phone 9am - 9pm, 7 days a week
Return & Cancellation Policy
If your order has already shipped, we are unable to cancel the order at that point.
If your order has not been shipped yet and you'd like to cancel, we do charge a $300 restocking fee.
Return Policy
Lift Chairs are non-returnable after delivery has been made.
It is the responsibility of you, the customer to pick out a lift chair that fits your needs.
Citrus Lift Chair Showroom will assist you in anyway possible.
Warranty Issues
Citrus Lift Chair Showroom does not accept returns of any lift chair once it has been delivered to your
home or business. If there is a warranty issue within the warranty period, we will make it right.
All of our lift chairs come with a parts warranty, and we do repair lift chairs purchased from us. Our
commitment is to make right any warranty issue you may have with any of our lift chairs by either
repairing or replacing your chair, which our certified technicians will determine.
Lift Chairs are considered "medical equipment" therefore they are non-returnable unless we have
agreed to replace under warranty.